NUFORC UFO Sighting 23073

Occurred: 2002-05-29 23:59 Local
Reported: 2002-05-30 21:31 Pacific
Duration: 5-10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Aylmer (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Sphere

glowing orange spheres in aylmer quebec

I was coming home from work at about midnight, when i seen 2 orange sphere's in the sky, I would estimate that they were about 1000-1500 feet above the ground, and about the size of an average house. They were very bright, and hovered in the general area for about a minute, then one of them stoped glowing for a split second and when it apeared again it was a great distance above the other one, perhaps several hundred feet. The problem is it changed locations so fast that I can not believe it was man made. And it was a sperical ball of light, not resembling spot lights at all. I was so amazed that i pulled over my jeep and got out to gaze at them hovering over the ottawa river, then without any sound they disapeared like they had stoped glowing.


We presume the witness means midnight of May 29, 2002. We have amended the time of the alleged incident to indicate that. PD

Posted 2002-06-12

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