NUFORC UFO Sighting 2307
Occurred: 1965-10-01 02:00 LocalReported: 1997-06-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Desert, NM, USA
Shape: Disk
Summary : While traveling at night we saw what appeared to be a glowing dish in the distance about 600 yards away and 200 ft high. The car lights dimmed and radio turned to static and our dog hid under the car seat during the event. I was just 10 at the time but have vivid memories of it. This is my first report of the incident.
While traveling at night between two cities in New Mexico, we saw what appeared to be a glowing dish in the distance about 600 yards away and 200 ft high. The silver dish was about 100-200 ft across, and had brilliant red, orange, and blue lights coming from the bottom. The car lights dimmed and radio turned to static and our dog hid under the car seat during the event while we passed the object. After passing it ( it remained stationary ) the lights came back up, and radio came back on.. I was just 10 at the time but have vivid memories of it. This is the first time I have "officially" reported the sighting.
Posted 1998-06-02
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