NUFORC UFO Sighting 2298

Occurred: 1976-08-15 16:30 Local
Reported: 1997-06-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 min
No of observers: 5

Location: McDermitt (NE of; Lat 42 05'N Lon 117 00'W, NV, USA

Shape: cylinder

Summary : 5 witness long tubular shaped object moving S to N low to the ground with 6-7 oval lights. The first and last lights were colored red, others were white. No vertical stabilizer or wings.

The object was moving south to north at about 200' AGL. It was a long (B-52 length) tubular shaped gray object with 6 or 7 oval shaped lights about 3 times the size of a commercial plane window. The first and last lights were red in color, the others (middle) were white. There was no vertical stabilizer (tailfin) and no visible wings. The sighting was planform (from the side) so it is possible there may have been wings of some kind washed out in the bloom from the lights. It was low to the ground at about 3/4 - 1 mile moving with no visible propulsion (exhaust) and made no noise. We noticed it as it was abeam (closest point of movement) us and watched it as it moved North over a ridge. It was moving relatively slow (about 80 - 100 kts reflecting back with my current experience) and was in view for about 3 minutes. The aspect of it never changed; meaning the lights were visible pointing at us.The sighting took place near a remote cow-camp near the Idaho, Oregon, Nevada border back in Aug of 1976. It was about 4:30 pm, 3 hrs before sunset with a high (about 25000 agl) scattered layer of clouds. The observers were myself and my brother, age 7 & 5 respectively, my father, age 50 at the time, and two Piahute Indians, one about 35yrs old and the other was 8. The sighting was in the vicinity of IR-300 (Instrument Route) which is frequented by AF B-52's which is what we thought it was at first. My father was a high school counselor with a masters degree and the older indian was a high school english teacher with a BA. With the recent uprise of UFO ism in America, my father prompted me to submit this and helped me fill in the gaps of my young memory, which is still quite vivid. I myself am now a carrier pilot in the Navy and have exhausted any skepticism that I had growing up of what I actually saw. Much of which came from the two Piahute Indians I was with who ar!e extremely superstitious and would not talk about the sighting, nor acknowledge what it was at the time. My younger brother, now 25 has a slight memory of the sighting as well.Sorry this is so long coming. Just got internet. Can draw picture if interested.

Posted 1999-01-28

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