NUFORC UFO Sighting 22935
Occurred: 1977-05-29 23:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-05-20 16:54 Pacific
Duration: 30-45 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Watertown, NY, USA
Shape: Cigar
My friend and I were on our way to my summer place in Canada and had pulled off I-81 for a rest stop. We were looking at how beautiful the stars were and as we both gazed upward, a large cigar shaped "sillouette" floated past us very slowly. It almost appeared to be a craft silently cruising without it's lights on. It was a black shaped that moved across the horizon. It lasted approx. 30-45 seconds, then it was out of view in the dark.I estimate by it's proximety to the ground, and to us, as well as it's scale against the various buildings around that it was aprrox. 300-400 feet long and approx three times the "height" of a large airliner.
We looked at each other and my friend, whos dad was a pilot and who was very familiar with aircraft said..." I have never ever seen anything like that have you?"........I replied "No____,...I have not". We got in and attempted to catch and pursue it, but were unsuccessful in finding back roads to follow it. We talked about it well into the night and to this day, we still believe we saw something very unusual.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2002-06-12
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