NUFORC UFO Sighting 2293
Occurred: 1997-03-01 21:00 LocalReported: 1997-06-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Riverside, CA, USA
Shape: triangle
Summary : The reports of various UFO events over the Arizona sky on March 13 ofthis year has prompted me to reveal the experience my wife and I had inthat time frame although I am not sure of the exact date.The night we were outside was a perfectly clear night over the InlandEmpire of the Los Angeles Metro Area. We live across the Santa AnaRiver in unincorporated Riverside in an area commonly known as IndianHills. My wife and I were enjoying a night in our hot tub around 8:30to 9:00 PM and looking up at the evening sky which for our area,although obscured somewhat by city lights, was very good for stargazing. I remember we did not have the jets or pumps on at the time soit was very quiet also. My wife was looking to the southwestern sky andI was looking to the northwestern sky at the time. All the sudden, atalmost a ten o'clock position, I could see a black but translucent likeobject moving through the sky west to east at a tremendous rate ofspeed. This object seemed to pulsate as it moved. However, it did nothaving any lights or normal jet aircraft type blinkers on it. It wasV-shaped at the front however I could not make anything out at the tailend of the object (whether it was flat, circular or angular). There wasno noise at all associated with the sighting or any heat exhaust comingout from the rear of the object. Completely silent.By the time I alerted my wife to look towards the object it was in the12 o'clock position almost straight above us. Maybe 3 seconds hadpassed at the most from the time I spotted it till I spoke to my wife"Holy cow honey look at this." Obviously she could not see what I wasseeing right away. I just grabbed her head and put her line of sightover my arm towards the object almost like a gun barrel. Finally shecould see it at around the the 1 o'clock position. We followed it forabout another 5 to 10 seconds. At the final moment little sparkles seemto come off of it and then it disappeared. We were stunned. Almostspeechless.
The reports of various UFO events over the Arizona sky on March 13 ofthis year has prompted me to reveal the experience my wife and I had inthat time frame although I am not sure of the exact date.The night we were outside was a perfectly clear night over the InlandEmpire of the Los Angeles Metro Area. We live across the Santa AnaRiver in unincorporated Riverside in an area commonly known as IndianHills. My wife and I were enjoying a night in our hot tub around 8:30to 9:00 PM and looking up at the evening sky which for our area,although obscured somewhat by city lights, was very good for stargazing. I remember we did not have the jets or pumps on at the time soit was very quiet also. My wife was looking to the southwestern sky andI was looking to the northwestern sky at the time. All the sudden, atalmost a ten o'clock position, I could see a black but translucent likeobject moving through the sky west to east at a tremendous rate ofspeed. This object seemed to pulsate as it moved. However, it did nothaving any lights or normal jet aircraft type blinkers on it. It wasV-shaped at the front however I could not make anything out at the tailend of the object (whether it was flat, circular or angular). There wasno noise at all associated with the sighting or any heat exhaust comingout from the rear of the object. Completely silent.By the time I alerted my wife to look towards the object it was in the12 o'clock position almost straight above us. Maybe 3 seconds hadpassed at the most from the time I spotted it till I spoke to my wife"Holy cow honey look at this." Obviously she could not see what I wasseeing right away. I just grabbed her head and put her line of sightover my arm towards the object almost like a gun barrel. Finally shecould see it at around the the 1 o'clock position. We followed it forabout another 5 to 10 seconds. At the final moment little sparkles seemto come off of it and then it disappeared. We were stunned. Almostspeechless.I remember holding my thumb against the sky to see if I could size theobject. My thumb could obsure it but not completely cover it. It wasvery high in the sky but I could not tell exactly how high. We are closeto Ontario Airport but this was not a jet aircraft that I know of.Normally aircraft that we see and hear coming and going from our areaare moving at a rate of speed that you can watch for almost a minute ata time. This thing moved in a matter of seconds from the far west to fareast. And it pulsated. Not in steady patterns either. Almost quick andjerky at times. Not like the steady movement like a jet aircraft.How do I know? First of all, I have a good knowledge base aboutaircraft. I have logged over a million air miles in my occupation overthe last 14 years. I am very good at spotting 727's to 747's or DC-9'sto DC-10's. I know commercial aircraft. Was this one? No way. Secondly,I also lived near Offut Air Force base in the 70's and frequently takemy kids to airshows at several airforce bases. I know how normalmilitary aircraft move through the sky. Was this one? Nothing that Iknow of.My background. I am a sales manager for Fortune 125 company that hasmultiple divisions. Many which supply sophisticated electronic equipmentto the military. I have an educational background in computers andelectronic journalism. I once installed the equipment that I now sell.I am more like a sales engineer. My daily routine is technical anddetailed. My reputation involves making reliable and sound informativedecisions, statements, and judgements.Obviously, I am somewhat skeptical. I have tried to rationalize in mymind what I saw that night. Maybe that's what has taken me so long torelay this to you. The reports in Arizona have finally prompted me totell our story. I have no video. No pictures. No other evidence. Onlytwo eyewitnesses that I know of. My wife and I. But we saw it. Now Ialways look to the night sky differently.
Posted 1999-01-28
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