NUFORC UFO Sighting 22926
Occurred: 2001-03-19 19:10 LocalReported: 2002-05-20 07:48 Pacific
Duration: 45 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: East Dover, VT, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
small green light, high altitude, changing direction.
Beautiful, clear night. Many stars visible. Came home from work, got out of car and started to admire the night sky. Noticed small green light ("glowstick" green), moving at extremely high altitude. It was average star size as seen with human eye. Object was moving southwest across horizon (about 40 degrees above horizon). It left no trail, was not blinking, just a solid light moving quickly. At first thought it was a satellite, but then it stopped dead. Then it started to speed up again, then disappeard altogether. It reappeared a moment later on same course, then changed course by about 10 degrees, slowed down, sped up again. It then disappeared twice more, reappearing each time. Changed course sharply once again, sped up and disappeared into horizon. Reported to Vermont State Police same night.
Posted 2002-06-12
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