NUFORC UFO Sighting 2274

Occurred: 1997-05-10 21:00 Local
Reported: 1997-06-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: @2-3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Southside (Gadsden), AL, USA

Shape: Other

Summary : Two bright objects hovering one moment then taking off at high speeds, beyond aircraft speeds. These two objects seemed to stop and go, zipping around as if they were playing.

Mothers Day weekend I visited my mother who lives in Alabama. That Saturday evening I was going outside to see if there were any remains of the Halle Bopp comet.While star gazing, I saw two objects. They were round in shape and bright white with blue haze encircling them in color. At first I only saw one, it was darting forward in an unimaginable rate of speed.After watching about 30 seconds the second object zoomed up behind the first and they were going the same speed for about 10 seconds. Then the second object stopped still, while the first jetted around at different angles in front and behind the second.I then saw both objects start and stop several times. Then the first one stopped then went straight up in an instant. The second object then went forward until it disappeared.Im not sure what these two objects were, but I do know that there are no aircraft or weather ballons that I know of that could have moved at those angles and speeds.I dont want to sound like a kook, but I am curious if anyone else had witnessed this event. Afterwards, I went in to tell my husband and mother what I had seen and they believed me, but were skeptic and offered several explainations that I found hard to believe.

Posted 1999-01-28

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