NUFORC UFO Sighting 2270
Occurred: 1997-06-12 21:45 LocalReported: 1997-06-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 4
Location: Newark (south of, Garden State Pkwy.), NJ, USA
Shape: light
Summary : A bright light with a tail, like a fireworks, flew east to west across the highway, between 100 and 500 feet elevation??, distance ??
This appeared to be single fireworks rocket, but it travelled horizontally. My wife and both children saw it. It lasted just a few seconds. The fact that it was traveling horizontally was what made it unusual. It's height and distance were difficult to judge, but I would guess that it was no more than 2 miles away, between 100 and 500 feet elevation. The light was yellow, it did not appear very large. The tail was yellow and white.
Posted 1999-01-28
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