NUFORC UFO Sighting 22553
Occurred: 2002-04-17 20:55 LocalReported: 2002-04-17 21:30 Pacific
Duration: 1 min.
No of observers: 2
Location: Sebastopol, CA, USA
Shape: Light
two "star-like" objects traveling in parallel
Two "star-like" object were observed moving rapidly across the sky from West to East. They appeared to be brighter than the planet Jupiter. They were separated by at least 6 degrees, and remained at a constant distance appart and at the same magnitude, slowly fading out as the receeded toward the horizon. They were too bright to be satellites, and did not have any magnitude fluctuation. There were a each a single bright light, no other flashing lights (like on airplanes). No sound was observed. Flight lasted less than one minute.
ISS and Space Shuttle passed over this area of the U. S. at 20:50 on this date. Please see PD
Posted 2002-04-25
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