NUFORC UFO Sighting 22467
Occurred: 2002-04-07 21:15 LocalReported: 2002-04-08 22:06 Pacific
Duration: 20mn
No of observers: 2
Location: Granite Falls, WA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Landed
a bright ????
we were in the kitchen watching outside when we seen a single star just about deer mountain.we thought it was a helecopter because it seemed to "jerk"every so often.we looked around the sky and noticed there were no other stars in the sky at the time.we kept watching it because it was so bright and it seemed to slowely went down and seem to have "landed"on the mountain.
we watched it for a while and then all of a sudden it shot up in the air and slowely flew up and then went n.e untill we could no longer see reminded us of a helecopter surveying an area.but this wasnt one it was a bright light all the was didnt twinkle like a star and it didnt have any flashing lights on it.well the next night we watched out the window again and it came back and did the same thing.when it landed it had a glow to could see the glow above and around the trees.
Posted 2002-04-25
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