NUFORC UFO Sighting 22414

Occurred: 2002-03-31 21:00 Local
Reported: 2002-04-02 09:56 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 8

Location: Puerto Penasco (Mexico), , Mexico

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Changed Colo

camping on the beach looking at what we thought was a shooting star and it was falling from the sky over the ocean only it stopped, it was circle and small changing colors of red , blue, white and moving rapidly around from side to side and up and down. Then it dissapeared out of our view over the ocean…


I wrote to you about the sighting my family had over the ocean on March 31, 2002, in Puerto Penasco , Mexico aka Rocky Point... you asked what direction the object was moving during the one hour period? it was going north and south fast and east and west really quickly and stood over the ocean too high to be a ship and too low to be a star, also there are not any ships within view from this beach I will be returning again to camp there in May for the holiday I will keep you posted if there is anything out there .... there were 12 of us who witnessed this


We believe that the first possibility to be rulled out would be the star, "Sirius." The "shooting star" (meteor) may have passed in proximity to the star, and the witnesses may have associated the two objects. We would like to know what direction the object moved during the 1-hour sighting. PD

Posted 2002-04-25

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