NUFORC Sighting 22188

Occurred: 1996-06-23 01:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-03-12 13:19 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Payson (Woods Canyon Lake), AZ, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

How can there be a bright light and no body has seen it, and why did I fall back to sleep so quickly.

I was camping in woods canyon lake north of payson,Az. I was with three friends of mine, two I worked with and one was a older uncle of the other. I had went to bed early that night and I slept in the blazer, I was wakened by a bright light coming from the woods. At first I thought it was a full moon and I knew that Elk was in the camp grounds from the night before. As I looked around I saw the shadows of the trees every where and at that moment I was falling back to sleep like someone or some thing was pushing me down to go back to sleep. I tried to stop and stay awake but it was no use I fell right back to sleep. in the morning I asked if anyone saw the full moon, nobody did. But it was pitch black that night like every night, and the older gentleman said that he saw the tent light up and he could see the other person in the tent. I asked the person that monitors the camp grounds and he said that there is no full moon for at least two more weeks. I walked out to the woods to see if there was a large light tower but I could not find a thing but trees from where the light was coming. This is the same area that a "fire in the sky" movie was made from.

Posted 2002-03-19

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