NUFORC UFO Sighting 22168
Occurred: 2002-03-06 07:50 LocalReported: 2002-03-10 20:34 Pacific
Duration: at least 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Wimberley, TX, USA
Shape: Unknown
I was drawn out my kitchen door by a hissing air sound, my step son had stepped outside just before me and had become aware of the sound as well. We were looking at all the tires of our vehicles, the freezer, and we both started walking toward our propane tank, trying to find what was leaking and leaking very loud, The sound was every where then suddenly stopped and a gust of wind whipped through the top of trees and blew suddenly across my face, the sky was overcast and we live in a cedar (juniper) thicket so I have to say we saw nothing. I have never experienced a sound like that.
Thanks for being.
Posted 2002-03-19
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