NUFORC UFO Sighting 2194

Occurred: 1997-05-08 22:00 Local
Reported: 1997-05-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Auburn, WA, USA

Shape: triangle

Summary : we saw a "V" shaped object from beneath. It had at least 15 lights . no sound, it was traveling north bound right in the air traffic area of Sea-Tac planes. Trees obstructed our view, by the time we could see it again, it was gone. We have never seen any thing like this before. My husband , who was in the army/airborne, said he had never seen any thing like it before as well.

please let us know if anyone else saw it!

I just sent a email to you, I gave you the wrong date! We saw this on Tues night 05/06/97, my husband just remembered that the lights were of different sizes, one large very bright light in the center, he also said that he saw what he thought to be a helicopter about 30 sec after we could no longer see the ufo, this helicopter ( non military type, more like a Bell helicopter) was moving very fast, and appeared to be leaving the area, as fast as it could go!

Posted 2001-10-12

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