NUFORC UFO Sighting 21747
Occurred: 1974-09-15 17:20 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-02-09 10:08 Pacific
Duration: 10 min.
No of observers: 0
Location: Heber Springs, Greers Ferry Lake, AR, USA
Shape: Disk
silver disk strange night
I was driving home from work. When i seen something bright through my windshield.I stopped my car and got out at that time i looked up and seen a silver disk just drifting in the air to the right and then to the left.At about 500 feet.It was the size of a car.This just blew my mind .I could not belive what i was seeing.But this is not the end of it.When i got home i told my wife and she thought i was crazy.I living in a mobile home with my wife and 18 month old son at that time in 1974.That night i was watching tv and my wife called me to the back of the mobile home.when i got to the back i heard the door slam i ran to the door to find the latch chain swining i was scared because the door was locked and the chain was locked .I did not know what to think.We went to bed that night we had a fan in the hall. The next morning the fan was nocked over my wifes rings was on hear backwards my son was saying pow pow pow like he was shooting something .My wife had night mares for years and when i woke that morning this was in my head. K912k or K 9 to the 12th power of y .I dont know to this day hope this will help. I dont know
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2002-09-28
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