NUFORC UFO Sighting 21528

Occurred: 1975-07-10 23:45 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-01-23 22:27 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Dartmouth (Canada), NS, Canada

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Landed

Orange Glowing Balls

I haven't told many people of this sighting for fear of disbelief or ridicule but I feel I have to tell someone, even though it was years ago. My brother and I as well as two friends (back when we were teenagers) "borrowed" a neighbors row boat for a near midnite cruise around the lake (Maynard's Lake in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia). It was a beautiful clear summers nite, the water was as smooth as glass and everywhere you looked it was pitch black. You could see silouhetted houses along the shoreline with the streetlights illuminating them from behind. The only lights to be seen were at the far east end of the lake where the plaza was (approxx. 1½ miles). In any event, we decided to head in as we were out for nearly an hour. While heading in maybe 100 feet from the shore, I heard someone say (in what appeared to be a weak and crackly voice) "what the hell are they". We turned to the east in the direction of the plaza and maybe 500-600 feet away were two huge Orange glowing spheres, perfectly round, one overlapping the other by probably 15-20%. The very bottom of each sphere just barely touched the water's surface (they were in the middle of the lake)giving the illusion that there were four. In fact, they were two only. (I'm actually getting chills writing this as I remember) Anyway, we were terrified, one guy crying, so we paddled our butts off for shore. Here's the bizzare part, the balls were glowing brite orange but they didn't cast off any light, they seemed to glow from within and the spectrum of light never left the globes. After about a minute of paddling, I looked over and they were still there, not moving and completely silent. Then as quickly as it began, it was over, they were gone, not a trace in the sky, no sound, odor, breeze....nothing. The lake returned to the black mirror state it began in. Not much more to it than that but I'd like to finish with this: The afore mentioned story is the gospel truth. I swear on the life of my children it's true. I've since heard of similar sightings in Mexi! co and S outh America (Orange Glowing Balls) And only wish I had continued to look as they dissappeared. None of us saw them leave as we were too busy getting the hell out of there.


Thanks Peter and no, I had not heard of the Allegash Incident. I'm telling you Peter, we were scared to death. There have been a number of sightings on similar crafts huh? I wonder what the hell they were and where were they from?

I'm sorry Peter but 2 of the three witnesses I have not kept in touch with, the third however is my Brother, Allie. The next time he is here I'll have him submit a report. Yes you may submit the follow up message to my report. As far as an investigator, it's not that important really, it was a long time ago and
there is virtually nothing else I can add. However, if you have any further questions, I'd be glad to answer them to the best of my ability. Thanks again for your time.


Report is similar to the celebrated Allagash Sighting case, which occurred in the State of Maine in late August 1975. PD

Posted 2002-01-29

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