NUFORC UFO Sighting 21502
Occurred: 2002-01-21 19:05 LocalReported: 2002-01-21 17:39 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Weare, NH, USA
Shape: Disk
NH Sighting - 01/21/2002 - 7:05 PM
Location: At a 3 corner intersection on paved wooded road at 7:05 PM.
Object: Disk shaped craft that blocked starlight with a center area of what looked like a hole from which was coming a bright sunlike light. Car window was open and the object made no sound. Sighting lasted about 2 seconds.
Flight path: came at us in a slight arc, stopped for a half second then with a few degrees shift, banked off and continued away in a straight line at a high rate of speed. Approximate altitude of 150 feet.
Posted 2002-01-29
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