NUFORC UFO Sighting 21477

Occurred: 2002-01-18 21:40 Local
Reported: 2002-01-18 18:53 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Deer Park, NY, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Suspicious flying object on Long Island, January 18, 2002, 21:40

I was smoking a cigarette out the door and i looked up i saw this big circle of light rising, with a pair of wings in the form of a line of red lights. it turned slightly to the right and stopped for about 10 seconds, then changed it directions and headed west. i asked my sister to get out of the house and take a look, and she thought it wasnt an airplane. it moved faster and faster and it was gone, and i swear to god it wasnt an airplane.

Posted 2002-01-29

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