NUFORC UFO Sighting 21454
Occurred: 1976-08-01 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-01-16 12:52 Pacific
Duration: 5,6 sec.
No of observers: 1
Location: Valleraugues (France), , France
Shape: Disk
I walked to the toilet of the camping, around three o clock that night.
When I reached the entrance I heard a strange ""buzzing"" sound. I looked in the direction where it came from. It was very dark in the rocky surroundings to my right side. Then from out of the woods in those rocks came up a saucer-like form, distance approx. 200 mtr., big, it had in the middle part a dark ring, which meant to me that it's lights were out.
It circled from the bush and disappeared.Because there was some light from the moon I could see its shape very well, and its metallic glow.
It all took, from the first sound until it was gone, about 5 seconds.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2002-01-29
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