NUFORC UFO Sighting 21409

Occurred: 1996-07-11 00:40 Local
Reported: 2002-01-13 15:52 Pacific
Duration: 2-2.5 sec.'s
No of observers: 0

Location: Kenosha, WI, USA

Shape: Other

It was a warm July evening. I was down by Southport Beach, on the shorelines of Lake Michigan. It's a city beach in Kenosha, so i was there after curfew (10:00pm). I liked going down there to gaze at the stars on clear warm nights in the Summer. I was looking up at the Summer constellations toward the Eastern horizon over Lake Michigan. The sky was absolutley clear, and hardly any humidity and no clouds that night. I was staring at a section of sky just about 20 degrees downward from Polaris toward the Eastern horizon.....maybe where Casseopia's located.....when all of the sudden......DIRECTLY whithin my line of vision......this object appeared into my view...and quietly sailed across a section of the dark sky about 30 degrees in distance from my vantage many miles in distance...I don't really high up in the air.....good question, since I really couldn't make out the size of the object. This this appeared, then dis-appeared as fast as it was into view! It made no sound....TOTALLY silent. It was no meteorite, or shooting star. I know what those look like in all of their many visits and forms. This thing was definitely something from an "intelligent" source. It was like it appeared in our three-dimensional realm then exited it just as fast. It was not in my peripheral vision, but I was lucky enough to view it directly, as fast as it happened. I do not do drugs, nor have I ever. i don not consume alcohol, nor was I under the influence of any prescription medication. I was as stone cold sober as a judge that evening. There were NO stores or restaurants having any "Grand Openings" in the surrounding area beaming huge floodlights into the sky, or anything like that. Nor were there any clouds for light to relfect off aircraft of any sort in the area either. It ABSOLUTELY defied any logic that I know of. No "aurora borealis" phenomena scheduled that far south that time. It was bizarre. It was amber to orange colored....solid, yet defined and fuzzy edges ou! tlining the form/s. It was three oblong shaped forms, like three hot dogs right next to each other....or ONE object separated by two black lines, I don't know....they all travelled together, in unison with each other in the short time it appeared, then disappeared. After I saw it....I was dumbfounded for a few moments....Like, "What in the HELL was that??" Then I got into my car, and drove home and told my mother she, was like. "Huh?".........then I just wrote the whole thing off after awhile....but it will always stay with my, because it NEVER seemed like one of those situations when you "see" something out of the corner of your eye, but you're not really sure a few moments afterward if you really even SEEN something, but perhaps just some figment of the imagination, or some typical fleeting natural neurological seeing quick flashes out of the corner of your eye, when you move your head too quickly. It NEVER seemed like anything like that. It was TOO direct and straight within my line of vision, and it lasted AT LEAST two seconds long. I don't tell me. There were no other people or cars anywhere near me either. Now it's just a weird memory in the back of my mind. I also have no history of neurological disorders, either. Just thought I'd clear any doubts up. Anyway.........that's my story. I'm 37 yrs. old now (Jan. 2002) was the first and last time I ever seen anything like that in my whole entire life. I've told some freinds of mine a few years afterward, but they all looked at me like I was a crackpot. So I tell no one anymore. We all see what we want, or would like to see in life, but lewt me tell you......I was NEVER looking for something like that, EVER. I'm not some UFO buff to begin with, yet now I've joined the ranks of those who have seen one. Take care.....and thanks for reading about my story (situation?). ...........((name and e-address deleted))

Posted 2002-01-29

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