NUFORC UFO Sighting 2124
Occurred: 1997-03-13 20:30 LocalReported: 1997-04-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Chandler (app. 20 miles E/SE of Phoenix), AZ, USA
Shape: Triangle
Summary : My wife and I witnessed a craft passing in front uf us that was close to a mile long.This boomerang/trianglar craft became "transluct" when it passed through the light of the moon.
It was 8:30 pm., mst, 3/13/97, and I wasgoing to bed. I went to close the window,when three huge, white, bright lights caughtmy eye. A plane was crashing from SkyHarbor Airport in Phoenix, the angle andspeed would not allow a plane to survive.I ran to the living room, grabbed my glasses,and told my wife of 25 years, Get outside,NOW! Never said that before, in that tone.We were standing on our porch within 8-10seconds. This craft was 3000 ft. off thesurface. at least 1 mile in length. Thereis no doubt in our minds that what we wereseeing, was one object. It appeared to betriangular or wedge shaped. Three bright whitebeams of light up front, and 4-5 solid, non-blinking red lights on east side and rear.The moon at that time was at 45 degrees anddirectly facing us. I told my wife, "We'llbe able to see detail as it passes in frontof us, directly in front of the moon. As thecraft passed thru the light of the moon, thecolor of the moon changed to dingy yellow,and we could see horizontal "waves" as itpassed. These waves were similar to gasolinefumes if one to take the lid off of a gas can,and look at the reflection of the fumes. Thecraft was viewed by us from a straight linenorth to south. It never moved irratically,nor did it make a sound. It was totally quiet.Our viewing sight was approximatly 2 milesfrom the craft. We witnessed a plane in landingformation pass right over the object. It neveradjusted its course. It didn't see it. I toldmy story to MUFON on 1-15-97. We were on,"Strange Universe" on 3/31/97 as witnesses tothis great event. The video on the news and tvis not what we saw at or near that same time.Our sighting was one solid object. We live inthe far eastern part of Chandler, and had anexcellent view point. This craft had no visiblemeans of propulsion and was totally quiet.Itnever changed course and went straight southtowards Tucson, Az. The object was dark andwas not big in height, but beyond huge inlength. We were back inside by 8:45 in totaldisbelief of what we had seen. It wasn't untilwe saw the news the next day, did we realizethat others had seen massive sightings. I am44 years old, married for 25 years, threegrown boys, and twin granddaughters, I am aUS Navy veteran, with 14 years education.
Posted 2002-01-11
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