NUFORC UFO Sighting 2111
Occurred: 1997-03-13 10:30 LocalReported: 1997-03-28 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 1
Location: Newfoundland, NJ, USA
Shape: Oval
Summary : Driving N/W on Rt. 23 on the way home from 3rd shift. After passing thru a trarric lite i noticed a glimmer off to the left hand side. I looked over thinking it was a jet or plane of some kind. The sky was clear with unlimited visibility. It didn't look like anything I had seen before. I pulled over to the shoulder of the road and watched it for a couple more minuts. It seemed to move slowly in a nothern direction and the suddenly vanished. I can't say what way it went. It just vanished.
The sky that morning was 100% clear. At that time of day ther is not much traffic on the road. This part of northern N.J. is covered with more trees and less popopulated the areas closer to N.Y. It was a long silvery shape that didn,t seem to be moving at first. After I stoped i could see that it was moving very slow. And then it just vanised in the blink of an eye. It was easy to see thet it had no wings or a tial section like a plane would. I live next to a small airport and have a fair idea of planes. Both my Inlaws flew most of their lives and being around planes is common. This was not a plane. I don't know what it was.
Posted 1998-03-07
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