NUFORC UFO Sighting 21099

Occurred: 2002-01-03 16:45 Local
Reported: 2002-01-06 14:51 Pacific
Duration: approx. 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: W. Rutland, VT, USA

Shape: Other

Orange streaks in the sky. Location: W. Rutland, Vermont

Driving North on Rt. 4 in W. Rutland, Vermont on January 3, 2002 I saw an orange streak in the sky. I thought it may be a reflection on a jet from the sun going down since it was about 4:45 pm. Then I noticed 3 other streaks. I slowed my car then noticed the largest streak (the 5th and last streak I saw). It was much darker orange than the other streaks and much longer and appeared wider. It seemed to be moving toward a mountain, but because I was still driving, I may have imagined that. But, I saw 5 orange streaks. I can't believe that there were 5 planes or jets in the sky at once since we don't often see planes in the sky in this area of Vermont. I am not saying these were UFOs but I don't have any reasoning of what they were. Also, I do not think they were jet fume trails. But, I don't know.

Posted 2002-01-11

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