NUFORC UFO Sighting 20832

Occurred: 2001-12-06 22:00 Local
Reported: 2001-12-17 07:54 Pacific
Duration: 2to3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Shape: Other

weird thing in texas

I was outside in my front yard stargazing as I often do. It was a very clear night southerly breeze. Looking up I saw a rod shaped object it was white, about 4 foot long and 6 inchs around. It was apprx. 15 foot over my head. It barely cleared the roof of my house.It was moving from north to south opposit the wind.I'm a very scientific minded person.This the second time in last few months I have seen unusual things.I guess fact is stranger than fiction. The [thing] made no sound and had no lights it was just very bright white and perectly formed.p.s. I'm an amature astronomer.

Posted 2002-01-11

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