NUFORC UFO Sighting 20616
Occurred: 1967-06-15 12:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2001-11-30 15:31 Pacific
Duration: month
No of observers: 0
Location: Edison, NJ, USA
Shape: Other
the object was one
for the whole month i keep having what i thought was a dream.i was on my bed floating up and scared to death that i would fall off.everything under me got smaller.i had real bad pains in my stomache.i was goining to go fishing with my friend and his father and a few kids in the develoment.i woke up at 4 oclock made coffee and toast.looked out the kitchen window and saw an orange ball hovering above the pool.we lived in an apt complex the pool was in our back yard.i went down stairs and out the back door.the ball was about the size of a volkswagon.i watched as it shot up and gone.the next thing i remember is walking down the street.never made the fishing trip.even though i knew what happened,i could not say was like every time i wanted to mention it i forgot it.for at least 20 years.
Date and time are approximate. We have arbitrarily assigned a date in 1967 so that the report sorts to that date. PD
Posted 2001-12-05
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