NUFORC UFO Sighting 20615
Occurred: 2001-11-29 18:55 LocalReported: 2001-11-30 11:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Golden, CO, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Left a trail, Changed Colo
Blinking object entering atmosphere.
This is an extremely questionable occurance.
I was waiting for a friend in a parking lot. There was a ton of light pollution around. Target, Safeway, lots of big shopping centers and stores was in the immediate area with huge parking lots.
I looked up in the Northern sky. I was on Colfax Avenue at Quail. As I looked up, I spotted this ball light which was white around and an undetermined color in between the white. This blinked and flashed as it must have entered the atmosphere. However, it did not leave a tail behind! This looked very very similar to a space craft entering the atmosphere but didn't see any recordings of occurance of this date and time especially anything heading northward! I was curious if there was another meteor shower going on, but there was no record that I could find of that either. The reason I ask this, is that there were a couple other objects of same style of craft that must have entered the atmosphere. Has anyone looked into this?
Posted 2001-12-05
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