NUFORC UFO Sighting 20593
Occurred: 2001-11-25 20:40 LocalReported: 2001-11-28 13:29 Pacific
Duration: 30-40 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Modesto, CA, USA
Shape: Other
I saw a bright light in the sky, it looked like a small plane,it was florescent aqua blue and looked like it was crashing.
I saw a bright light in the sky, it looked like a small plane, it was traveling just the same speed of a plane, There was just one thing wrong with it was a florescent agua blue.
I was driving west to my sons house and was almost to his driveway when I saw a bright light in the sky. I observed it and it looked like a small plane, it was traveling just the same speed of a plane, it was in the south sky heading in a downward motion across the sky to the north, like a falling plane. There was just one thing wrong with it was a florescent agua blue. I watched it go across the sky toward the horizen, It scared me because I thought it is going to hit my sons house, but it disappeared by going behind trees and my sons house, it was about 8:45 pm when I got insie my sons house and asked him and my other son if they had heard a crash or anything unusual, but he said no. Him and I looked out the back window of his house in the westerly direction, there is a field with horses on that side of the house and behind that is an orchard. Him and I both saw something square glowing in the dark, it was white and lasted about 10 seconds.
We spoke with this witness, and have other corroborating reports for the event. Please see other reports from California. Object may have been a meteor, but we are uncertain, given the other reports we received from other parts of the U. S., Canada, and Brazil for this date. PD
Posted 2001-12-05
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