NUFORC UFO Sighting 20574

Occurred: 2001-11-18 04:30 Local
Reported: 2001-11-26 12:31 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Aurora, CO, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Group of faint red lights flying in a boomerang formation very high and quiet

While looking at the Leonid meteor shower, I noticed a satellite traversing the sky directly overhead, that satellite was moving in a NNE direction. While looking at the satellite I saw a group of faint red lights moving in a boomerang formation from North to South that intersected the satellite path. The red lights clearly passed in front of the satellite. I did not file this report until I reasoned everything I saw that night and I went to the Satellite Prediction Report that I recieved from satellite I may have seen was proabably ALOUETTE 1 or RadarSat......but I know for sure that the red lights I saw were not a plane or satellite. I asked my next door neighbor who was outside also with his Celestron telescope 'did you see that' and he said 'yes I see it too...your are not crazy'.

Posted 2001-12-05

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