NUFORC UFO Sighting 20570
Occurred: 2001-10-18 22:30 LocalReported: 2001-11-26 10:12 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Bedford, IN, USA
Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Craft searching a field
I was out in the county, going to a spot my friends and I liked to part at. I was driving around the corner before Devil's Backbone, when I saw it. At first I thought it was an airplane, the airports only a few miles away, but something about it wasn't quite right. I pulled off of the road at an observation spot for the backbone, which looks out over a valley. I could see the craft hovering down there, then it would fly up higher. I would estimate that it never got higher than a few thousand feet, as I could still make out individual lights. It almost seemed to be flying a search pattern, it just went back and forth, high and then low. It seemed to be moving slowly, ground speed wise. I am pretty familiar with the area where it was, and I know about how much ground it covered. It took about two minutes to make one pass over the valley, which is only about half a mile across or so. It flew by seven or eight times, then just took off like a rocket! It disappeared from my sight in about ten seconds, but there wasn't much noise, I don't know if what I heard was the wind or the craft. I do know that right before it left, I heard a train approaching the Tunnelton Tunnel, which is very near by. I could hear the whistle, probably a mile or two from me.
Posted 2001-12-05
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