NUFORC UFO Sighting 20567
Occurred: 2001-11-25 20:40 LocalReported: 2001-11-26 03:02 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Fresno, CA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Left a trail
Bright rapidly moving blue white light
At 20:40 My wifeand I saw a bright blue- white light which moved rapidly decending across the sky from south to north, I am a 62 year old professional television broadcaster. What my wife and I observed tonight was the brightest light in the sky in a fast decending arc that we have ever seen in our collective lives. We were driving westbound and both saw the light at exactly the same time. I commented to her "Look at that" at about the same time she said "I see it". We both remarked that it appeared to be a Meteor , but as it crossed in front of us in a decending arc, it didn't flame out as one might expect, but continued to be very bright until it disappeared below the horizon.
It was a very bright circular light, moving very rapidly from south to north as we were traveling west bound in our vehicle. It moved from about 230 degrees to approximately 290 degress when it disappeared. We viewed it for approximately 10 seconds. When it disappeared from our sight, we both remarked that we were waiting for a loud explosion or bright light in the sky, as if it might have crashed to earth. But, nothing was seen or heard after we lost sight of the object. The object was approximately 10% of the size of a full moon.
I immediately called the local police department from my cellular telephone to report the sighting, and to ask if any other calls had been reported.
At the time of my call, the local authorities had not received any other calls.
We were directed to this witness by the Fresno Police Department, for whose assistance we are grateful. We spoke with the witness, and found him to be an exceptionally good witness. Object may have been a meteor, but we are uncertain, given the other reports we received from other parts of the U. S., Canada, and Brazil for this date. PD
Posted 2001-12-05
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