NUFORC UFO Sighting 20559

Occurred: 2001-11-15 14:00 Local
Reported: 2001-11-24 22:10 Pacific

Location: Monterey, CA, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail

Cloaked UFO appears in chemtrail pictures

My boyfriend and I were traveling north on Hwy. 101 somewhere between the city of Bradley and Monterey on Nov. 15, 2001. It was somewhere between 12:00 noon and 2:00pm and the time I noticed some very interesting chemtrails. They were in almost a sun-like pattern with a main chemtrail and others radiating out from it. I thought I would take some pictures for my son as he is into the chemtrail phenomena. As I was driving I asked my boyfriend if I could use his digital camera. I started taking pictures but found it difficult to drive and do that at the same time so I handed the digital camera back to my boyfriend so he could also take some pictures. Now, around the same time....either before or after I was also followed by a local police car. I was never pulled over or given a ticket as I was going approximately 5-10 miles over the posted speed limit. Other cars were going as fast or faster but the police seemed focused on me for some reason. My boyfriend and I did NOT see any objects in the chemtrails as we were taking the pictures but later as I was sending them to my son it was my son that noticed an object in the chemtrails. He enhanced it and sent it to me. Sure enough, there is an oval shaped object that cannot be explained. It looks to be lighter in color on top and darker on the bottom. As the picture is enhanced further professionally to rule out certain normal explanations I can only compare it to other pictures of the same calibar. Along that strip of Hwy. 101 there are some military bases that may have something to do with this.


We spoke with this witness, and we found her to be quite serious-minded and credible. She sent a digital photo, which shows an anomalous object in the distance, with a "swarm" of smaller objects surrounding it, in a rectangular-shaped cluster. PD

Posted 2001-12-05

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