NUFORC UFO Sighting 20553
Occurred: 2001-11-18 13:30 LocalReported: 2001-11-23 23:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 1
Location: Hamden, CT, USA
Shape: Sphere
Observed venus size and color (white) object through binoculars moving slowly accross the sky during day of about 3 minute duration.
I was out walking in the country using a strong pair of binoculars and I was observing a helicopter flying about 2,000 ft when I noticed something behind the helicopter but I believe much higher.
It was a clear and crisp day and at first I thought it might be venus because it was a very small and bright white round object and not moving, I thought.
I have observed venus on other bright clear days in the distant past. But as I was watching this object which I had centered in the binocular lense, which I thought might be venus I saw a branch slowly come into view in the binocular lense. It came into view much faster than any earth rotation would have on a planet. So it was not venus as I first thought. It was not any type of aircraft known to me. Possibly it could have been one of many earth satellites. But are satellites observable in broad daylight moving so slowly? An email responce to my question would be appreciated.
Posted 2001-12-05
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