NUFORC UFO Sighting 20551
Occurred: 2001-11-03 12:15 LocalReported: 2001-11-23 17:57 Pacific
Duration: 30min
No of observers: 3
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Changed Colo
On Nov 3,2001 me, my sister and my niece where getting of the freeway on sunset and we went towards the airport going to my other sisters house.My niece said to us look you guys there is something stopped right over are head and it's not moving and she is only 11 yrs old.We didnt listen to her and she said you guys better look because this thing has not moved.So my sister looks and said that it might be and airplane but she asked me if and airplane moves and I told her no.So she told me that it was a UFO because when they turned around and looked at it again it dissapeard in a quick sec.I didn't believe them so I kept driving.They told me that it had real bright white lights.So I turn down my sisters street and there it was again right above are car but this time it had real colorful lights and it was just sitting there for a min and then it dissapears again.I made a u-turn and went another way because this one kept following us on every turn we made.So we stopped and got out of the car by the airport and where watching 2 red lights going towrds eachother like if they where going to crash we started yelling and getting scared because of what we where seeing was relly scary.Then after that we looked and saw this big bright light dive right into the bushes and shoots itself right back up in the air and then disappears in a sec.So we get in the car and look out the other side and you see one landing on top of a building and making the buiding light up in beautiful colorful lights and then it flew up in the air and dissepears again.So where driving back to my sisters house and you see like 4 of those red lights flying around the Stratophere and then dissepered again.It was like if they where playing around in the sky.So we turned on my sisters street again and for the last time we saw a big beautiful ship right over are head about 10ft and it had all the lights of and it was glowing like a neon blue color and it was just so big we couldn't believe it and then it dissapears again in a matter of seconds and ! each tim e when we saw it it made no noise it was just silent.It was really amazing of what we went throw that night.
Posted 2001-12-05
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