NUFORC UFO Sighting 20529
Occurred: 2001-11-18 04:23 LocalReported: 2001-11-21 16:04 Pacific
Duration: 20mins
No of observers: 3
Location: Boulder, CO, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Bright lights hovering very low and changing colors.
It was around 4:20am on the 18th of November. We were dropping a friend off when we noticed a very bright blue light. It was very dark out and we thought it might have been a car in the mountains. There were lots of cars going up and down the mountains because of the meteor showers, then we realized that cars don't have bright blue lights.
We were driving east for about 2mins and we kept looking back at it. At that point it was right behind us and it looked like it was following us so we stopped and looked at it. It was hovering pretty low. We didn't know what it was and we were curious so we turned around to get a better view of it. Than it looked like it was trying to get away from us because it was moving backwards. We kept driving towards it and it went back further towards the mountains and got smaller and dimmer. It looked as if it was trying not to be noticed. We got bored so we turned around again but we didn't keep our eyes off of it and while we were driving away it started to rise up into the air really quick. It was changing colors like blue, green, orange, red and white. It kept getting brighter and switching positions in matters of seconds in the sky.
We were still driving and the object was rising into the sky at a fast rate and than we couldn't see it anymore.
Posted 2001-12-05
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