NUFORC UFO Sighting 20523

Occurred: 2001-11-21 04:45 Local
Reported: 2001-11-21 02:23 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Richmond, KY, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

A yellowish twinkling light with a red ring around it that disappeared after about 3 minutes.

As I was walking to my car to get my cigarettes around 4:45 am, I noticed along the horizon a yellow light. This light has not been there before, because I work a morning shift and I always look in that direction in the morning when I smoke. It was a yellowish round light that was twinkling rapidly. It appeared to have a red ring around it. I compared it to the building lights around me and it was nothing like it, nor do we have buildings that tall here. I compared it to the other stars, and it was huge at least twice the size of them. I stood very still and noticed that it was moving. I thought it was an airplane or a meteor that was about to hit the earth. And then, it lulled for a moment and appeared to have dissipated. But it went upward before it was gone.


We note that the report is not inconsistent with the landing light on an approaching aircraft, but we do not know if there are any major airports in the area of the sighting. Please see other report from Ontario for this same date. PD

Posted 2001-12-05

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