NUFORC UFO Sighting 20522
Occurred: 2000-09-15 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2001-11-20 22:50 Pacific
Duration: 5 min.
No of observers: 0
Location: Toledo, OH, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
The object was triangle in shape and hovering above with no sound and black in color.
A few nights before the sighting there was alot of helicopters in the area, above the location of my job in northwood ohio. this particular night i looked up and saw no helicopters in the sky , i mean no where. so i thought nothing of it and con- tinue my way towards the eastside of toledo. i was driving down wales road when i notice something ahead and above the street corner that i was nearing. it was hovering around 50 yards above the ground, it was black but it looked metal. it made no sound what so ever. i made sure because i couldn't believe what i was watching so i rolled down my window and listen very carefully. there was a hugh bright light in front of the object but it didn't shine anywhere in the ground just ahead. i notice there were no engines that i could notice in any area. it was not one of ours i know.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2001-12-05
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