NUFORC UFO Sighting 20510

Occurred: 2001-10-26 09:00 Local
Reported: 2001-11-20 09:07 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Clarksville, AR, USA

Shape: Cylinder

Two of us observed a shiny, silent, cylindrical craft at 5000 feet or less on October 26.

On the morning of October 26, two of us observed a shiny cylinder moving NE to SW; this craft was completely silent.

It appeared to be under 5000 feet, and was approximately the width of my thumb held out at arm's length.

This craft was observed in the Ozark Mountains on the county line between Johnson and Madison counties near the old community of Spokeplant.

About 1400 on the same day, at a location about ten to fifteen miles east of our morning sighting, we saw what was apparently the same craft again -- this time flying silently W to E.

At the time of the first (morning) sighting, there were conventional jets flying high overhead and pulling contrails.

Even though these jets were so high that we could barely see them, we could hear them clearly. We could not hear any sound from the cylindrical craft which was much lower, closer, and (apparently) bigger.

Posted 2001-12-05

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