NUFORC UFO Sighting 2009

Occurred: 1997-03-27 16:00 Local
Reported: 1997-04-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 sec.
No of observers: 1

Location: Sun Prairie, WI, USA


Woman called to describe her sighting in a park. She had gone to the park with her son, and she noticed a glint of sunlight off an object, which appeared to be high in the sky, which was clear. The object was moving from SE to NW, and it was very small. Its color was either white or silver.

At first, the caller, an amateur bird watcher, thought it might be a bird, but she could see no flapping.

The object went in a straight path at first, and it exhibited no contrail, and there was no apparent sound. Suddenly, the object began to turn, executing a 180 reversal of course in 5-10 seconds.

The observer walked in front of a tree, losing sight of the object for a moment. She called it to the attention of other people in the park, who saw it as well.

The object reversed its directionb, and suddenly began to climb. It accelerated, and disappeared in approximately 3 seconds, or so.

She added that the object had exhibited three speeds: slow and deliberate; it accelerated somewhat; and very fast.

She called the Dane County Sheriff's office.

Posted 1999-11-02

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