NUFORC UFO Sighting 20057
Occurred: 2001-11-03 17:35 LocalReported: 2001-11-03 19:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 and a half to 3 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Glowing bright orange, looked as though it was gliding.
5:35pm November 03, 2001 Dusk, only 1 or 2 stars visible in the sky. Only one group of small clouds in the sky (Just went outside to check). Sitting in my room with the curtains open watching TV. Saw it as soon as it passed into view over rooftop within frame of window. Saw 1 single bright orange object very low in the sky. Glowing bright orange, looked as though it was gliding. Orange glow faded to bright blue then faded completely away (vanished) well before reaching the next 'out of sight' boundary witch was the neighbors rooftop. Traveled in a perfectly straight line towards the N.E. It flew below the cloud layer at one point during its flight path. Looked lower in the sky than commercial aircraft. Seemed larger than a single prop airplane like a Cessna (difficult to judge its distance by other aircraft that were in the area). Faster than an airplane, slower than a meteorite. It left no tail, streak, or visible wake of any kind. Extremely graceful and smooth. Was wearing glasses at the time of the sighting. The object definitely had a silhouette and shape but was moving to fast to make out its exact shape. Sighting lasted approximately 2 and a half to 3 seconds. After it faded out there were no visible objects in its flight path. As if it had simply vanished. I opened my window immediately after words to listen for sound, there was no sound at all not even from insects. 10 to 20 seconds later normal aircraft were spotted within view of my window and those appeared much higher in the sky and also had the normal aircraft sounds that would be associated with them. It does defy all my current knowledge and experience of weather, meteorites, and aircraft. I require more information about what I've just witnessed before I could tell myself for sure what it was. I wrote as much of this down as possible right after the event happened. I would have called this in over the phone, but at this moment there is no phone number available for me to call it in with. I've looked over the entire web site and can not find any other form of c! ontactin g Mr. Peter Davenport.
Our Hotline number, (206) 722-3000, is on our website, and in the Seattle phone book. Our telephone number is on the NUFORC webpage. PD
Posted 2001-12-05
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