NUFORC UFO Sighting 2002
Occurred: 1996-12-09 05:00 LocalReported: 1997-04-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 60 sec.
Location: Highway 15, NV, USA
The caller and his work companion were driving to work on Route 15. Suddenly, both of them saw in the morning sky what looked to be "(a cloud of) liquid" hovering in the sky. It was reddish-green (?) in color.
The object (?) was extremely bright, it seemed to give off a high pitched noise, and it moved in front of their car, causing them to stop on the highway. It appeared to be "gigantic" from their vantage point, "as big as an apartment building."
Other cars were slowing, as well, to look at it.
The caller got out of the car and ran "back." (Away from it??) Then the object began moving across the sky in front of their car.
Posted 1999-11-02
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