NUFORC UFO Sighting 20008
Occurred: 1977-08-08 18:00 LocalReported: 2001-10-29 14:43 Pacific
Duration: one minute
No of observers: 0
Location: Portsmouth, NH, USA
Shape: Rectangle
shoe box shape in New Hampshire in late '70s.
It was late afternoon to early evening. The object drifted over the city from the SW to NE. It had the shape of a cigar box. or a shoe box. It looked metalic. I recall thinking that it looked like a large floating heat duct and could not reconcile what I was seeing.
It had no lights, no sound (but it was at a distance), and no apparent propulsion. It drifted over a bank of clouds that I would estimate to be higher than two or three thousand feet. It may have had a "X" marking faintly visible on its underside.
This did not fit the flying saucer image. It must have been quite large, perhaps twice as large as a box car or larger.
I was an Air Force Pilot at the time and did not report it for fear of some form of reprisials or ridicule. I saw it from the ground one evening while I was at home I later asked quietly if there was someone who took such reports. I was directed to a Lt. Col. who was quite open about other reports that he had been given but he said he had not heard of one of my description. He said that none of the reports that he had heard amounted to anything other than unprovable observations and usually just lights. His role on base was informal apparently. I asked quietly among the other pilots over coffee etc. whether anyone was seeing anything and most said no.
One said that they had been "paced" by a light once and one reported seeing a "sacucer" over a lake at home. The pilots/aircrew were interested but apparently not seeing anything.
I report this now years later as I am surprised that rectangles have been seen by others. This was large.
On the other hand, the sighting was real and just so odd. I would have truely rathered to have seen
a conventional flying saucer. What in the world did I see? Why was there not other reports? This thing has to be big. Had my wife been 30 seconds sooner tothe door she would have seen it too.
One would think the shapes would be more consistent.
I'll keep reading your site and wondering…
((name deleted))
Posted 2001-11-20
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