NUFORC Sighting 19899

Occurred: 1997-09-03 11:10 Local
Reported: 2001-10-19 00:00 Pacific

Location: Beloit, WI, USA


I would like to submit this detailed report of a sighting that took place on Wednesday, September 3, 1997. Because what I saw was so unusual, I have taken the time to document the details of the event so as to provide serious UFO researchers with accurate information. I would be interested in any information you may have regarding similar sightings and if there are any terrestrial aircraft fitting this description. Please feel free to write or contact me by phone or E-mail. I have also submited a report electronicly.

Date of sighting: 9/3/97 Time of sighting: 11:10 PM

Description Of Sighting
I had just returned home and was standing in my driveway to look up at the stars before entering the house. It was a very clear, moonless night and the stars were very bright. As I was looking up at constellations in the east, a moving triangular object caught my eye. I turned and watched as it glided swiftly across the sky in front of me. What made it visible were neon-like strips of blue-green light that traced the outer edges of the craft. I was amazed at how the light wrapped around the pointed nose and the two back corners. There were also strips of this blue-green light along the side and back. There were no other lights but these on the craft. The lights glowed dimly and had there been a full moon or bright city lights near by, I doubt that it would have been visible. Although I could not make out the details of the objects surface, the fact that the light strips traced the outline of a long triangular object was unmistakable. The changing perspective of the outline of light as it traversed the night sky was also consistent with a three dimensional object. The night was very quiet and no sound was detectable. I watched until it went behind a tree that blocked it from view as it continued in a north eastern direction. This UFO was traveling very fast in a straight line at a low altitude.

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Details of Sighting;

Clear, moonless, quiet, no wind

Size & Position
The size of the object in the sky was almost as large as a full moon. The altitude was much lower than that a commercial jet. Its’ position in the sky was about a 45 degree angle from the ground.

Much faster that a commercial jet. I would not say that it “shot” across the sky, but that it “glided swiftly”

Direction of Travel
It came from the south west and continued traveling in a north eastern direction.

Silent, no sound detected

Location of Sighting
Suburban, residential, at edge of town, no street lights, dark skies.


This report submitted as an e-mail, and copied here. PD

Posted 2022-12-22

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