NUFORC UFO Sighting 1968
Occurred: 1997-01-29 23:15 LocalReported: 1997-01-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: East Greenwich, RI, USA
Shape: Disk
SUMMARY: I witnessed a UFO which may be of the Lazar"Sport Model" variety when I was leaving work to drive home.
The UFO was circular in shape, with three distinct propulsion units on the bottom,and several red rectangular lights around the perimeter. I witnessed this UFO when I was leaving work to drive home. It was travelling in straight lines, forming a triangular pattern, approximate airspeed was about 150 MPH as far as I could tell. I had the impression that it was of the type described by Bob Lazar, UUP/element 115propulsion. After approximately 5 minutes,the UFO sped away to the north. I believe that I was in some kind of mental contact with the occupants of the craft at the time,as the triangular course seemed to circle directly around me also. I am currentlyworking on some sketches of the craft, bu tI thought it important to report the event as soon as possible. I will email the sketches in JPEG format as soon as they are complete.Perhaps they were interested in this location because it is in proximity to several of our National Guard military installations.
Posted 1998-03-07
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