NUFORC UFO Sighting 19458

Occurred: 2001-09-06 22:45 Local
Reported: 2001-09-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Lincoln, RI, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

The whole bottom was a bright white light and around the perimeter was a single strip of colored blinking lights.

I was looking out my bedroom window when i saw across the street a bright white light behind some trees. It was to left side of my neighbors house (from my point of view) and was almost down to the ground. So I know it couldn't be a star or plane and I know it wasn't a car because you can't see the road behind my neighbors house from window behind the trees. So I watched it and it started rising in a diagonal moving left. It went behind the trees and came out into clear view. It was going faster than a plane so I didn't have to time to check it out with my telescope so I used my binoculars. It was a disk shape. The bottom of it was just a big white light but around the perimeter was a single strip of colored lights blinking on and off in a pattern. It went out of view for a second but turned around and started moving right. But it was farther away now and it went behind some trees in the distance. (not next to my neighbors) I tried to keep an eye on it but it got smaller and smaller until finally it disappeared and I never saw it come out of the other side of the trees.

Posted 2001-10-12

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