NUFORC UFO Sighting 19437

Occurred: 2001-09-06 05:50 Local
Reported: 2001-09-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1min. 25 sec.
No of observers: 20

Location: Waterford, CT, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Left a trail

Missile-shaped object flies over Nuclear Facility in Waterford CT.

On 09/06/2001, at 0550 hours (EDST) myself and several witnesses viewed a "missile-shaped" object just south of Waterford, CT over Long Island Sound. I am the Armed Response Force Team Leader at Millstone Nuclear in Waterford, CT and several of the witnesses are Armed Response Force Members and/or Licensed Nuclear Reactor Operators. From a distance of approximately one half mile, we witnessed what, at first, appeared to be a rapidly approaching plane heading toward our facility from the direction of Orient Point Long Island, NY. This appeared as a very bright light approximately 300-400 feet above sea level, moving toward us at a high rate of speed. The object was flying parallel to the ground at this height until it reached a distance approximately 1/4 mile from our shorline. It then began a trajectory at approximately 60-70%, still headed in a North-Easterly direction (toward Providence, RI). At this point, we were able to discern the outline of the object. It was approximately 35-40' in length and shaped very much like a rocket or missile. It had a four-fin tail end and swept back wings near the front end. The wings extended back and outward from the body, but we could not discern the distance they extended outward. As the object began to gain altitude, there were red sparks and bluish/white smoke erupting from the rear. Although the flight path maintained a North-East bearing, it was evident that the object was not flying in a straight-line manner once it began its' ascent. The flight path became somewhat erratic as the object continued to gain altitude and proceded northward. Because of the amount of contrail (which remained visible in the sky for nearly an hour) and the amount of flame being emitted, many of us were convinced the object was going to crash. Many of the witnesses are former Naval Nuclear personnel and most thought the object was a "Polaris-type" missile or some other type of nautically-luanched device. The weather conditions at the time of this incident were clear, mild, and very little wind, The air temperature was approximately 60 degrees Farenheit. There were no other objects visible in the sky and the sun was just rising above the horizon to our East. we were able to view the object for approximately ane and one-half minutes prior to it becoming indistinct. Because we are a Federally Regulated Nuclear Facility, I made immediate notification to the FAA. The FAA made inquiries to all the airports on the North East Corridor and none reported any planes down or in trouble at the time of the sighting, however, the FAA had recieved several other phone calls conerning this incident. The FAA called me back about an hour later and suggested I file this report.


We suspect the witnesses observed the object that was reported by the U. S. Space Command, Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, CO, as a re-entering Soviet rocket shell. Our gratitude to this witness for having taking the time and trouble to contact us, and to provide such a thorough report. PD

Posted 2001-10-12

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