NUFORC UFO Sighting 1935
Occurred: 1997-01-08 17:22 LocalReported: 1997-01-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: South Attleboro, MA, USA
Shape: Disk
SUMMARY: At dusk on perfectly clear night saw large, blue bright disk fly vertically down and skim out over the earth. As it pulled out of its downward trajectory and moved away the light diminished. As a scientist, I have no explanation for this event.
Beautiful light blue bright color. When first seen at the higher end of its path it appeared slightly flatened top and bottom but, as it came down closer to the earth, it appeared perfectly round. As it turned flat to move parallel to the earth and away from me, there was no light seen on its edge. It moved and changed direction extremely fast. Object seen from Rt 95, 3 mi north of Rt 1A Jct while I wa traveling south at 60 mph and looking up towards the south east.
Posted 1998-03-07
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