NUFORC UFO Sighting 19316
Occurred: 1977-07-02 20:30 LocalReported: 2001-08-29 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1min
No of observers: 12
Location: Don't remember, NH, USA
Shape: Circle
I was young at the time maybe 12ish,we always go camping every summer,I live in Rhode Island,and we were camping in New Hampshire it was was two days before the 4th of july, I remember it well because everybody was doing all kinds of fireworks "so its kind of hard to forget something like that"
The campground was called, I don't remember the name but it was something with the 7 DWORFS. Well 1 of the nights about 8:30-9:00PM "because it just about dark" when my sister and I seen a group of people looking and pointing up in the air taking excitedly so went over there we look up" it was just over the tree line, like 20 of the trees at about the 10 oclock posision beybe 1000 feet in front of us it was a round shape gray in color what I could see looked gray in color just sitting up there then there was some flashes I guess something like a camera flash I can only guess at the size of because I think anything in the sky is hard to jugde the size,but itwasmaybe like size of a olimpic size pool, Then slowly moved on forward and out of our sights. Sorry for it being a boring story, but thats about it.
Posted 2001-10-12
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