NUFORC UFO Sighting 19284
Occurred: 2001-08-26 20:30 LocalReported: 2001-08-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1min 30 sec
No of observers: 2
Location: Estes Park, CO, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
while sitting in a hot tub on a condo deck after dark my guest and I wanted to see who could spot a satalite in the night sky first. My guest said"theres one" but when I looked up there was nothing. We watched and about 10sec later a bright light appeared forst looking like a very bright star and then burst into a large bright light like a flash bulb in slow motion and then retracted and went dark, about 3 or four seconds in time. We continued to watch and about 10 seconds later it happened again in a straight line up but only a short distance from the first burst, a third burst came again in about 10 seconds and again in a line with the others. Several seconds passed ( 20, 25 )and it burst again in a straight line with the others only a great distance from the last, again in about 20 seconds another burst but back and right to the orginal line and the final burst east to west about 30 seconds after the last and twice the distance between th fourth and fifth.
Posted 2001-12-05
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