NUFORC UFO Sighting 19278

Occurred: 2001-08-15 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2001-08-24 00:00 Pacific
No of observers: 1

Location: Tarpon Springs/Clearwater, FL, USA

Shape: Unknown

small metal looking ball in my left hip.

do not have much memory other than the feeling of spinning around the room, i could see down on my bed and around in the room. that was on Wednesday night, then on friday my leg was hurting especially in my hip and upper thigh, at first not bad but later in the day it was really hurting like something had bitten me, i thought maybe a spider bite, but i was meeting my mother in Tarpon Springs for dinner, but my let was hurting so bad by the time we finished eating, i was crying; so went to Helen Ellis Hospital ER and had it checked out. the Dr. could not see anything so he ordered exrays. as he was viewing the slides...he suddenly looked at me and said...i dont see anything except this...and he pointed to a small round ball embedded in the muscle in my hip. it is about the size of a large beebee. so they are going to "watch it" and see if it causes any problems with the tissue or anything like that. He sent me to my regular doctor, Cesear Lara in Clearwater for follow up. Dr. Lara is also at a loss as to what or how the little ball got in my hip. it still bothers me some but not as much.


We are attempting to put the individual in touch with investigators, who may be able to assist with the case. PD

Posted 2001-10-12

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