NUFORC UFO Sighting 19276
Occurred: 2001-08-25 20:50 LocalReported: 2001-08-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: about 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Deer Park, WA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
The object went diagonally downwards, changed from a white, to a dull green, to a dim light blue, to finally a dark yellow, it faded.
The object in question was either a ball of light or was emmiting enough of it to make it look like it was made of light, but it made absolutely no sound. I was standing on the side of a road beside a field when my neighbor pointed out a, what looked like to be, even though distance was hard to tell at 8:50 at night, so I had no idea how big it was, a flying object. It was going diagonally towards the ground, in my view point, what looked like a southernly direction. While it was doing this, it was changing from a white, to a dull green, to a dim light blue, to a dark yellow, then, it faded away quickly, leaving no trace, sound, or, smell, behind.
We are uncertain of the date. The witness did not fill in the date box completely. However, we assume that he may have meant the date of 25AU01. PD
Posted 2001-10-12
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